Your Spinal Health Case Study
Male in his late 20’s, Project manager.
Initial Complaint: Tight hamstrings and lower back for 8 months.
Initial Treatment: Felt more relaxed. Advice given to adjust work desk position. 1 visit a week for 2 weeks was initially advised.
4 Week Review: Played football for the first time in 4 months and had no issues. Some shoulder pain. General exercises that are given after the 3rd visit were helpful. These are to be done up to 3 times a day every day. And these are extremely beneficial to all our clients. Also stated he felt stronger.
8 Week Review: Original symptom was now gone. No tightness or lower back pain.
12 Week Review: Using a foam roller at home to help maintain where he is at now. Comes in every 4 weeks for maintenance.
Therapist Notes: Through advice and exercises, this client was able to decrease the pain by putting a lot of effort in at home. This is very beneficial for everyone that we see, as it increases the recovery process with less intervention from the therapist.
50% Complete
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