
exercise Mar 29, 2022

BALANCE DAY! Balance is all about controlling the body without movement. Holding strong – feeling the wobble – and powering through it. We are starting this workout throwing off our centre of gravity, increasing the balance – and then heading to the floor removing pillars and focusing in.


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NOTE: This workout is part of the STRENGTH & MOBILITY 6 week Online Fitness Program.

STRENGTH & MOBILITY is a low-impact, low-intensity online fitness program designed to help build strength, while focusing on balance, mobility, and increasing energy. We’re helping participants move better & more efficiently in their daily lives – eliminating pain and reducing the risk of injuries. And we’re having FUN doing it πŸ™‚

Get INSTANT Lifetime Access to the full STRENGTH & MOBILITY program, including all 8 online workout videos and success guide – available 24/7 to anyone, anywhere with wifi!

Unlock your STRENGTH & MOBILITY NOW for only £47!

Not sure yet? Learn more about STRENGTH & MOBILITY – what’s included & why it’s so effective at helping participants build strength, balance, mobility and AWESOME .. Tell me more >


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